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John Yokie- Farmington, NM

“This was interesting. We had had another realtor, for two years, who performed poorly, an individual I had known, 25 years ago. My sister and I were in the area (I live out of state, but have a real estate/mortgage background). We were looking for a particular title company, saw the Landmasters office, and stopped in for directions.

When a senior agent greeted us, and answered our questions, she asked if they could be of any further assistance. We explained our problem, with two adjacent properties that still needed to be sold. She brought in Gary and the four of us discussed our situation. I, in partial jest, suggested I wanted to find a rookie agent, one that would work his heart out to give our properties much needed affection/attention.

The experienced agent smiled and laughed, Shirley, then introduced Gary as their new “rookie” agent. We were doing a happy dance. here we had a rookie who would work hard for us, and a seasoned agent to provide him guidance & support.

Although a rookie in the real estate business as an agent, Gary was not a rookie in life or personal ownership (both buying and selling) of real estate, and personal knowledge of the area..

It was a good match, and a successful one. He did a great job, was most pleasant and competent to work with. There were several bumps in the road, but Gary worked through them (great training regarding sometimes problems to be solved), and all concerned ended up with a successful conclusion.

It was a good experience working with Landmasters. After the initial contact, we dealt exclusively with Gary. “

Dave Carlson- Kingsland, TX

“Gary always tried to help and went above and beyond. We are very happy that he was our Real Estate Agent. He made the process a lot easier for us, especially since we lived so far away”
Randy Caddy- Kingsland, TX

“He just did a damn good job without any
problems. My thanks.”

Damian & Norma Galinato- Sunrise Beach, TX

“Gary is very approachable and helpful in all the aspects of our buying experience and would highly recommend him to our friends and family just like our son. Ron Estrabo highly recommended him to us!”

Don & Karen Kennedy- Burnet, TX

We appreciate Gary’s knowledge of the Texas Hill country and the different communities, His communication skills are excellent: he has the unique ability to explain complex concepts in words easily understandable to the common person.

His sense of humor diffused a few tense situations when dealing with our lender. I would recommend Gary to anyone who needs to find a real estate agent who will become a friend of the family